Directions to LECOM Medical Center and Behavioral Health Pavilion
Directions from Airport
- From the Airport, turn east (right) onto West 12 Street (Route 5.)
- Proceed on West 12 Street until you exit south (right) onto Interstate 79 South toward Pittsburgh.
- Leave I-79 at Exit 180 (Kearsarge Exit).
- At the traffic light at the end of the exit, turn east (left) onto Interchange Road and proceed around the Millcreek Mall to Peach Street. Interchange Road ends at Peach Street. There is a traffic light where Interchange Road intersects Peach Street.
- Turn north (left) onto Peach Street.
The hospital is about ½ mile after you turn onto Peach Street. It is on the right side of the street.
Proceed past the hospital about ¼ mile to a traffic light at West 54th Street. There is a Rite Aid Drugstore on your left. Turn right onto West 54 Street. The hospital’s main entrance is on the first right. Turn onto Hospital Drive and cross the bridge into the hospital’s parking lot.
Directions From I-90
- Leave I-79 at Exit 180 (Kearsarge Exit).
- At the traffic light at the end of the exit, turn east onto Interchange Road and proceed around the Millcreek Mall to Peach Street. Interchange Road ends at Peach Street. There is a traffic light at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore where Interchange Road intersects Peach Street.
- Turn left (north) onto Peach Street.
The hospital is about ½ mile after you turn onto Peach Street. It is on the right side of the street, just past the Goodyear Tire Store.
Proceed past the hospital about ¼ mile to a traffic light at West 54th Street. There is a Rite Aid Drugstore on your left. Turn right on to West 54 Street. The hospital’s main entrance is on the first right. Turn onto Hospital Drive and cross the bridge into the hospital’s parking lot.
Directions from I-79
- Leave I-79 at Exit 180 (Kearsarge Exit).
- At the traffic light at the end of the exit, turn east onto Interchange Road and proceed around the Millcreek Mall to Peach Street. Interchange Road ends at Peach Street. There is a traffic light at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore where Interchange Road intersects Peach Street.
- Turn left (north) onto Peach Street.
The hospital is about a ½ mile after you turn onto Peach Street. It is on the right side of the street, just past the Goodyear Tire Store.
Proceed past the hospital about a ¼ mile to a traffic light at West 54th Street. There is a Rite Aid Drugstore on your left. Turn right onto West 54 Street. The hospital’s main entrance is on the first right. Turn onto Hospital Drive and cross the bridge into the hospital’s parking lot.