LECOM Medical Center and Behavioral Health Pavilion Contacts
Below you will find the Phone Directory
- Department
- Number
- Hospital Main Number
- (814) 864-4031
- Admissions
- (814) 868-8395
- Billing/Insurance
- (814) 868-8251
- Emergency Room
- (814) 868-8344
- Medical Education
- (814) 868-8217
- Medical Records
- (814) 868-8399
- Millcreek Manor
- (814) 868-7600
- Outpatient Services
- (814) 868-7726
- Human Resources
- (814) 868-8377
- Pharmacy
- (814) 868-7744
- Social Services
- (814) 868-8215
- Materials Management
- (814) 868-7613
If you need assistance contacting a specific department contact the switchboard operator 24 hours a day at the main hospital number.
General contact for MCH.