LECOM Health

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Living in Fear: Anxiety Disorders

Living in Fear: Anxiety Disorders

Most people experience brief moments of fear just before a public speaking engagement or a first date. However, for 40 million adults suffering from anxiety disorders, feelings of fear and dread disrupt their lives for at least six months. Anxiety disorders impair social and occupational functioning, explains Mathew Sipple, D.O., an osteopathic psychiatrist from Erie, PA. Since it is not uncommon for anxiety disorders to occur in people who have pre-existing mental or physical illnesses,...Read More »

At First Flutter: Recognizing an Irregular Heart Rhythm

At First Flutter: Recognizing an Irregular Heart Rhythm

Next time you check your heart rate for optimal fat-burning potential during a workout, consider checking your rhythm as well. Atrial fibrillation, also referred to as AF or A Fib, is a common heart rhythm disorder that results in a flutter in the heartbeat caused by a problem in the upper chambers, or atria, of the heart. While atrial fibrillation is not common among young people, it can occur at any age, says William Esper,...Read More »

Muscle Cramp A Common Pain

Muscle Cramp A Common Pain

Has a muscle cramp ever woken you up in the middle of the night? Or stopped you in your tracks in the middle of an activity? If you're like most people, chances are your answer is yes. Muscle cramps, or "charley horses" as they are sometimes called, are extremely common and occur when muscles involuntarily contract and cannot relax. While it is not known exactly why muscle cramps develop, there are some proven methods for...Read More »

Food Allergies: Avoiding a Holiday Hazard

Food Allergies: Avoiding a Holiday Hazard

As holiday parties fill the calendar, many of us may forget or neglect to consider food allergies. With a staggering 2 percent of American adults and 8 percent of American children estimated to suffer from some form of a food allergy, carelessness toward ingredients can cause more discomfort than the visiting in-laws. Because allergic reactions to food could appear within minutes or up to two hours after consumption, it is important to understand what is...Read More »

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