LECOM Health

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Living Healthy at Any Age

Living Healthy at Any Age

Revolutionary advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of age-related diseases in the past 100 years mean that Americans are living longer than ever before, according to research by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The life expectancy of Americans has reached an all-time high of 77.8 years. As life expectancy for men and women increases, it is important for older adults to know how to care for their changing bodies, says James Lin,...Read More »

Shoveling your way to lower back pain

Shoveling your way to lower back pain

The lower back is one of the hardest working areas in your body. Do you realize that you use your lower back for basically every activity, from sitting at your desk at work to driving a car and even holding a cup of water? As the colder weather rolls in, beware of lower back injury and strain caused by the improper execution of a common cold-weather activity - shoveling snow. According to Mark Baker, D.O.,...Read More »

Holiday gatherings: Perfect time to share family health history

Holiday gatherings: Perfect time to share family health history

With the holiday season rapidly approaching, there are many things to look forward to: delicious food, family parties and time to catch up with relatives. However, even though discussions at the dinner table during this time of year are generally light-hearted and amusing, there is a more serious topic families should consider addressing this holiday season: medical history. Holiday gatherings are the ideal time to discuss diseases and medical conditions that have been in your...Read More »

Halloween Tricks for Consuming Fewer Treats

Halloween Tricks for Consuming Fewer Treats

It's Halloween, a day when many parents turn a blind eye to the sweet treats their children consume. Sure, sugar is known to wreak havoc on teeth and is a likely contributing factor to the growing epidemic of childhood obesity, but can one day of sugar consumption really be all that harmful? According to Mark Kauffman, DO, a family medicine osteopathic physician from Erie, PA, parents can safely assume that one day will probably not...Read More »

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