LECOM Health

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Time for a Flu Shot

Time for a Flu Shot

With summer over and school back in session, an inevitable flu season looms just ahead. Dr. Karen Benedum, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at LECOM at Seton Hill in Greensburg, PA, answers commonly asked questions about the flu, to help keep your family healthy this fall and winter. First, what is the flu and what are the symptoms? Influenza, or the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses, explains Dr. Benedum. According...Read More »

What to Know About Nosebleeds

What to Know About Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds, although common, can be frightening to experience. Fortunately, most are easily treated and require no medical intervention. Many people, however, incorrectly treat nosebleeds, so the next time you or your child experiences one, consider these tips for treatment and prevention. The first thing to know about nosebleeds is that there are two types - anterior and posterior, says Dr. Kirk Steehler, DO, an osteopathic ear, nose, and throat specialist from Erie, PA Anterior nosebleeds...Read More »

Microwaves and Plastics: How to Safely Re-Heat Your Leftovers

Microwaves and Plastics: How to Safely Re-Heat Your Leftovers

Plastics play a crucial role in our kitchens. From storing to serving, there are numerous ways our food comes in contact with plastic everyday. The question is: are all these interactions safe? When it comes to heating our food in microwaves, the answer is potentially, no. When certain types of plastic are heated in the microwave, the substances and chemicals used in the manufacturing of the plastic can leak into your food, explains Robert J....Read More »

Should Your Child Be Vaccinated?

Should Your Child Be Vaccinated?

With the rash of unfounded claims about the risks of vaccination, many parents are rethinking its necessity. Are vaccines really safe? Are they even necessary in the modern world? Here's what you need to know about vaccinating your child. First, parents need to know that vaccines save lives, explains Kim M. Schoeffel, DO, an osteopathic pediatrician from Bradenton, FL According to Dr. Schoeffel, the use of vaccinations has been one of the biggest medical breakthroughs...Read More »

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