LECOM Health

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The Real Harm in High Heels

The Real Harm in High Heels

Your killer heels are killing much more than you think. One in ten women wear high heels at least three days a week and a third have fallen while wearing them. Statistics show that high heels are one of the biggest factors leading to foot problems in women, with up to a third suffering permanent problems as a result of prolonged wear. Thomas Fotopoulos, DO, an osteopathic physician from Bradenton, FL explains the common medical...Read More »

Living a Full Life with Fibromyalgia

Living a Full Life with Fibromyalgia

Do you suffer from chronic pain, fatigue and depression? You might have fibromyalgia, a complex and often times misunderstood chronic pain condition that affects an estimated 10 million Americans. If you've never heard of this condition, well you're not the only one. In fact, one in three Americans have never heard of fibromyalgia or consider it a disease. Larry Bunnell, DO, an osteopathic family physician from Bradenton, FL explains why the disease often goes untreated...Read More »

Sorting Out Seasonal Allergies

Sorting Out Seasonal Allergies

Sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion. Symptoms of the common cold or seasonal allergies? Without the intervention of your physician, it might be hard to tell. Here's what you should know about seasonal allergies, what causes them and how you might avoid them this season. Allergies are an abnormal reaction by a person's immune system to a normally harmless substance, explains Dr. Garrett Clark, DO, an osteopathic internal medicine physician from Erie, PA, and an Assistant...Read More »

Hearing Loss and Headphones – Is Anyone Listening?

Hearing Loss and Headphones – Is Anyone Listening?

As a parent, do you often find yourself asking your teenagers to remove their headphones so you can speak to them? You may want to consider doing it even more often. Today, one in five teens has some form of hearing loss, a rate about 30 percent higher than it was in the 1980s and 1990s, which many experts believe is due, in part, to the increased use of headphones. Gary Peterson, DO, an osteopathic...Read More »

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