LECOM Health

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The Truth on Juice Facts

The Truth on Juice Facts

From the rise of juice bars to the boom in the juicer market, juice fasts have become the hottest trend for people seeking to boost their immune system. Enthusiasts have claimed that juice fasting ”which requires a steady consumption of only fruit and vegetable juice to obtain nutrition”can flush the body of toxins, improve digestion and skin clarity, boost energy and weight loss, and cure common illnesses such as headaches and insomnia. But, are these...Read More »

Dr. Eric Milie Discusses Pneumonia and Its Symptoms and Risk Factors

Dr. Eric Milie Discusses Pneumonia and Its Symptoms and Risk Factors

[caption id="attachment_8821" align="alignleft" width="240"] Eric Milie, DO, is Director of the internal medicine residency program at Millcreek Community Hospital.[/caption] Are shortness of breath and a cough signs of a mild cold or the flu? Or, could they be something much more serious, like pneumonia? Making an accurate determination can be difficult without all the facts. While most people are familiar with pneumonia, not as many are aware of the symptoms associated with this potentially dangerous...Read More »

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